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THUNDER BEAR 4WD • Archives - 2010


The Archives page is a collection of all the past front page posts of this site. If you you remember seeing something posted on our home page at one time and would like to see it again, it can be found here.


... so long phpBB, it was fun while it lasted ...

I have removed the forums from the website. No one used them, it was just not worth my time or effort to maintain them any longer.


In an effort to keep up with current events I have changed the old Forums link to a facebook link, which points to the FT4WD facebook group. I have also changed the Pictures and Video links into a Photos & Video link to points to the section named the same within the facebook group.

I'm also in the process of uploading all the videos that were on the FT4WD website to the facebook video section.



Joe Carter - 21:46 hours 2014/01/14

Founder - FoxxxTracker 4WD

[email protected]

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